Showcase Magazine

Moving Forward After an Injury or Illness

An injury or illness can be a life changing event. It can result in a series of medical steps that each have the goal of returning you to the quality of life you had before. Each transition has its own goals and challenges. But, reaching certain milestones helps make the challenging journey rewarding.

When people have to be hospitalized, one of their biggest goals is to get back home. It’s an important step, both physically and emotionally on the road to recovery. Sometimes continued care is needed and that’s where Home Health care comes into the picture. Many companies have Home Health care in their name. But, some companies like Danville Regional Home Health have it in their DNA. “Home Health care is much more personal,” says Lynn Belton, Director of Danville Regional Home Health. “You become one of the family. Working one-on-one allows you to focus on that patient’s needs and develop an individualized plan of care to meet those needs. It also allows time to build a relationship and provide in-depth teaching. It’s vital to help the patient and their family members understand the importance of taking care of themselves. This includes lifestyle changes, diet, and taking their medications properly.”

Home Health care is basically for people who have had a change in their medical condition and are able to continue their treatment at home or in an assisted living facility. Home Health care is for people who are actively trying to get well and return to their normal lives. It can be short-term or long-term and often includes rehabilitation services, as well. Lynn says, “After people have been in the hospital we can provide post hospital follow-up and teaching to make sure that they understand their medication and management at home.”

Home Health care is the unique opportunity to help patients in their element. The services assess medical needs and provide a wide range of nursing services including teaching, wound care, and IV therapy. The provider assesses their support system and home safety issues and makes arrangements for equipment, supplies, or additional community services to meet the patient’s needs. They look at mobility and function. Physical Therapy can improve range of motion, strength, and endurance. Occupational Therapy looks at process or home modifications to make tasks easier for the patient. Speech Therapy addresses problems with communication, eating, and swallowing. Lynn says, “We truly assess every aspect of patient care in order to identify and resolve challenges to allow them to remain in their home. Because it is so true….There’s NO place like home.”

For patients with Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance, different things are covered or not covered based on medical necessity and policy. But, Medicare and Medicaid, like most insurance companies, have an innate desire to help a patient avoid expensive and extensive re-hospitalization.

Much of Home Health care is educational, so it’s important to choose a provider whose goal is to help you transition to taking care of yourself. “The goal is to teach the patient to manage their lives and move forward towards a productive life,” Lynn says. “It’s our passion to help people in a one-on-one setting and to help them remain at home.”

Home Health nurses and therapists must have the knowledge and experience to identify needs and create a plan specific to the individual patient. So, it is vital to use a company with a committed team who are dedicated and passionate about the specific challenges and rewards of Home Health care. “Our team has been providing Home Health care services for more than 20 years. We love working with the patients in their home. It’s very rewarding. We desire to help the patient get well and reach their maximum potential.” Lynn, herself has been with Danville Regional for 14 years, working her way up from a visiting nurse to the Director of Home Health Services. “I am so blessed to be the coach of this incredible team of caring, dedicated professionals. We know and use each player’s experience and knowledge to produce winning results for our patients! We use our talents to serve others during their time of need and we, in return, are blessed in so many ways!”

For more information or to learn about Home Health care, contact Lynn Belton, Director of Danville Regional Home Health Services at 434.799.2382. Danville Regional Home Health’s experienced team will make transitioning from the hospital to your home a pleasant experience with the joint goal of helping you move forward.

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