Showcase Magazine

Be One of a Kind…Not Part of the Crowd

From Fitness Professional Suzanne Stowe of Train With Suzanne:

I recently met two of my children and their prom dates to take pictures at the fountain, the newest addition to our downtown area. The fountain made a beautiful background. Although there were numerous couples and groups posing for similar shots, with the same background, there was not one dress, one pair of strappy heels, or dangling earrings that were the same. Each one was glamorous and original. Even the guys added unique touches to their tuxedos with colorful ties or a fun pair of sunglasses.

If on certain occasions we go out of our way to find that dress or accessory that no one else will be wearing, then why do we compare ourselves and our bodies and want to be like someone else? Choosing to eat healthy or beginning an exercise plan is a great way to achieve results that will enhance body image in addition to overall better physical condition, but it isn’t healthy to compare our best efforts or results against anyone else.

The prom dresses are back in the closet. The tuxes have been returned. But that is no reason to go back to being part of the crowd. Let’s encourage an attitude that we are each unique and that fact should be celebrated.
Be one of a kind.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” Ephesians 2:10 SM

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