Showcase Magazine

Frozen in Fear (A Short Story)

Paralyzed. That’s how I felt. But beyond that, I felt a sense of fear and dread that is hard to put into words. It was that deep, down to your bones type of fear that you rarely feel in life, but in this moment, it had consumed me.

The last thing I remember before this was falling asleep in bed next to my wife. But now, as I regained consciousness, I was lying on my back in bed, and a dark, shadowy figure was standing directly over me. I couldn’t tell you what it was, but it was there, as real as anything else in the room. The dark silhouette seemed to pierce my very soul. Even though I couldn’t explain it or recall it, somehow my mind and spirit felt like it had encountered this being before. This wasn’t the first time. This time, however, I saw something I wasn’t supposed to see. I peeked into a window that wasn’t meant to be opened.

I let out the loudest, most bloodcurdling scream of my life, waking my wife up immediately.

“What is it?” she asked.

I couldn’t speak. When I turned back to look, the shadowy figure was gone. After a few moments, I tried to describe what I had seen to her. She tried to calm me down and assure me it was just a bad dream. But as much as I wanted to believe her, I knew this was different. I felt it in my bones. Something was in that room with me. Something I wasn’t meant to see or know existed. But I did. Was it a demon? An alien? Or something else entirely? To this day, I don’t know. But the paralyzing fear I felt at that moment is something I’ll never forget.

And hope to never experience again…

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