Showcase Magazine

Don’t Stop Believing

“It’s that time, Christmas time is here

Everybody knows there’s not a better time of year

Hear that sleigh, Santa’s on his way

Hip-hip-hooray, for Christmas vacation”

Those of us of a certain age probably know exactly where those lyrics come from, and are probably singing them in our heads right now. Christmas Vacation has become a Christmas classic for many reasons, but one of them is because we can all relate to Clark Griswold in the movie. The holidays can be chaotic, and sometimes even disastrous. But the Christmas season can also be a lot of fun and very special, especially when you’re with your family.

I’ve never been one of those people who jumps right into Christmas the second that Halloween ends. In fact, I’ve typically been a “traditionalist” who insists we wait until after Thanksgiving to start putting the decorations up. This year, however, has been a little different. A week or so before Thanksgiving arrived, the Christmas bug hit me. I started playing Christmas music in the house. Some of our yard decorations went up. If nothing else, it seemed to make me feel better. And who wouldn’t want that?

As you’re reading this, Christmas time is certainly here. I hope it is a joyous season for you and your families. I can’t help but think of how incredibly blessed I am. Last year, just days before Christmas, a car slammed into the car I was driving with my son Kingston, in the back seat. It totaled our car, and left Kingston and I with a variety of injuries, including a broken fibula for me. It certainly slowed me down during the holidays, but I was thankful to be alive and with my family. A year later, I’m feeling better than I have in a long time (outside of an ache I feel in my knee during rainy days) and looking forward to another fun-filled Christmas with my family and friends.

So if you see me out and about this month, throw me a wave and a Merry Christmas. I’ll be the one in the Santa shirt that says “Don’t Stop Believing”. I hope Santa is good to each of you and that you have the hap-hap-happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap danced with Danny Kaye!

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