Showcase Magazine

Former Pitt. Co. Administrator lands new post

    (Southport, N.C.) — Pittsylvania County’s former Administrator didn’t stay unemployed for long.  

    Stuart Turille was announced this weekend as the new City Manager of Southport, North Carolina. He’ll begin the new job on July second.  

“The importance of a City Manager is indescribable,” said Southport Mayor Rich Alt. “I believe that Stuart is what Southport needs to continue making progress and I am excited that we are welcoming him to our administration.”

    Just one month ago, The Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors accepted Turille’s resignation near the end of a board meeting.  That happened nearly one year to the day after he began work in Chatham. Supervisors spent two hours in a closed session earlier that day to discuss the Administrator’s “Conduct Annual Performance Review.”  

    There was no public discussion on the reasons behind the resignation. Turille made no public statement during the meeting where his resignation was accepted.

 “It is a privilege to be selected as the new City Manager of Southport,” Turille said in a weekend statement. “I have never encountered such a charming community that boasts all the assets needed to thrive, including natural beauty, a great geographical location, and a hospitable community culture. I am excited to begin working with an engaged Mayor and Board, dedicated staff, and committed citizens.”

    Turille replaced David Smitherman who was fired by Supervisors in January, 2022.  The County spent 14 months without a full-time Administrator.  Pittsylvania County has already begun their search for a new county administrator.

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