Showcase Magazine

Pittsylvania County adopts data center regs

(Chatham) — Pittsylvania County leaders have adopted their first-ever set of rules governing data centers. 

There are no data centers in the county, but County Planning Director Emily Ragsdale says that could change. “Staff is proposing this because currently we don’t have data centers listed as a use in our zoning code,” Ragsdale explained. “This is becoming a large use throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia. We want to make sure that we have regulations in our zoning ordinance that would adequtely regulate this use should one come here.” 

The new language would allow Data Centers by Special Use Permit—and only in the M-2 Heavy Industrial District. 

It also includes a series of additional regulations. “There is noise testing, facade requirements, to ensure that the appearance is in harmony with the surrounding neighborhood,” Ragsdale said.

The Board approved the new regs unanimously in a Tuesday vote.

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