Showcase Magazine

Child porn suspects enter pleas

(Danville) — Two suspects charged with multiple child pornography counts made a plea deal Wednesday in Danville Circuit Court. 

18-year old James Michael Andrew Richardson (pictured, right) and 28-year old Dylan Thomas Hardy (pictured, left) each pleaded guilty to two felony counts.  They will be sentenced next month. 

Danville Police got a tip from the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force in December. They launched a probe and charged Richardson with possession of child pornography.  A separate tip three weeks later led to another probe, resulting in Hardy’s arrest on similar counts.  

Police say the images and videos they found were digital and there was no indication of any contact with local children. 

Defense attorneys noted that neither defendant had a criminal record.  Both are scheduled are set to be sentenced in July. 

Danville Commonwealth’s Attorney Michael Newman says the sentencing guidelines for each count call for one-to-three years in prison. Prosecutors are asking the judge to cap the sentence at no more than two years. 

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