Showcase Magazine

River District hotel seeks parking solutions

    (Danville) — A boutique hotel in the River District wants to work with the city to secure some parking for their clients. 

    The City of Danville owns two parcels that make up a parking lot on Lynn Street across from the courthouse. It’s used by courthouse workers and employees of the Danville Sheriff’s Department. 

    The Bee is asking that six spaces be made available through a lease arrangement with the Danville Industrial Development Authority. Under the deal, the city would transfer ownership of the two parcels to the IDA.  Then the IDA would lease six parking spaces to the Hotel. 

    Right now the Bee leases spaces nearby the building on South Union Street and utilizes on-street parking where possible. 

    The City plans to mark certain parking spaces on Lynn Street as restricted for use by the Sheriff’s Office to make up for the six spaces that will be used by The Bee.

    Danville City Council will vote on the idea next week.

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