Showcase Magazine

City prepares for utility rate study

(Danville) — It’s time for another look at utility rates in Danville.  The city put out bids Monday for the 2025 biennial rate study. 

They’re looking for a consultant that will take a look at power rates, along with Rate Benchmarking, Reviewing Danville Utility’s Power Cost Adjustment and Purchase Gas Adjustments factors, and other recommendations on an “as needed” basis. 

According to the RPF issued by the city of Danville on Monday, the Utility Rate Study must be completed by October.  

The Danville Utility Commission will use the study to make rate recommendations in 2025.  Those would have to be ratified by Danville City Council during next year’s budget process. Recent rate studies have recommended small increases or decreases in utility rates, based on multiple factors.

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