Showcase Magazine

Registrars predict moderate primary turnout

    (Danville) — Local officials say folks voting in Tuesday’s primaries won’t likely run into long lines. 

    Danville Registrar Peggy Petty is expecting turnout similar to the March dual primaries. That was about 12%.  She says the primaries may draw a few additional voters.  

    Petty reports 734 Democratic voters requested an early ballot by mail, 190 did so in person.  251 Republican voters sent their ballots in early by mail; 266 voted in person. 

    Pittsylvania County Registrar Shani Shorter says they had 783 early voters.  Comparing that to March’s Presidential Primary of 388, that suggests Tuesday’s turnout will more than double. 

    All polling places in Danville will be the same as the November election and the January and March primaries.  In Pittsylvania County, school construction will move voters at Stony Mill Elementary and Dan River High School to the Gym.  There will be extra signage for voters directing them to the gyms.  Prior to construction, Stony Mill voters voted in the cafeteria and Dan River High School voted in the school’s auditorium.

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