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Final GOP primary votes are in, McGuire wins

Final GOP primary votes are in, McGuire win

    (Lynchburg) — The canvasses are over, and the final numbers give the challenger a narrow win in the Fifth District Republican Congressional Primary.  But the incumbent says it’s not quite over yet.

    The state Board of Elections reports first-term state senator John McGuire won by 375 votes over Lynchburg Republican Bob Good.  This, out of more than 62-thousand votes.  The final tally shows McGuire with 31,567 votes and Good with 31,192. That is a margin of 0.6%.

    Those results now go to the State Board of Elections for certification next Tuesday.  Good says he’ll ask for a recount. In a Monday interview on Steve Bannon’s podcast, Good claimed irregularities in the primary and the canvassing. “We are absolutely going to pursue a recount and we will contest this election,” Good said. “There were many irregularities, many reasons for suspicion. We continue to believe that if every legal and legitimate vote is counted we will prevail.”

    In a letter to supporters, Good says he needs to raise $100,000 for the recount.  The margin is just beyond the half-percent threshold where a recount would be publicly funded. Good would not have to pay for the recount is the results are changed.

    “We will be pursuing a hand-count recount and a formal contesting of the election,” Good said. “It will be investigated and adjudicated as to whether or not the election results were altered. This election should not be certified until these issues are investigated and adjudicated accordingly.”

    Area Republican leaders say they’re ready to shift the focus to November. “I congratulate State Senator John McGuire on being the Republican nominee,” Rich Anderson, Chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia said in a Tuesday evening statement. “Further, I thank Congressman Bob Good for his service to the Commonwealth and country.”

    Anderson is also asking Republicans to respect Good’s request for a recount. “As this process and the General Election move forward, we can all have confidence that the commonsense appointments to the Virginia Department of Elections and State Board of Elections over the last three years, along with Virginia’s exclusive use of paper ballots, will keep our elections secure.”

    Pittsylvania County Republican party Chairman Will Pace echoed those sentiments. “Because of the margin, it is Congressman Good’s right to request a recount and I hope all Republicans will respect that right should he choose to request one. I appreciate everyone’s patience in this process,” Pace said.

    McGuire, meantime, will rally with former President Donald Trump this weekend in Chesapeake. Trump endorsed McGuire in the race last month. “Now it is time to put our differences aside, unite, and help Trump Make America Great Again,” McGuire said in a brief statement Tuesday evening. 

    As it stands now, McGuire will face Democratic nominee Gloria Tinsley Witt in the general election in November.

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