Showcase Magazine

Bourbon barrel producer coming to Pitt. Co.

(Brosville) — A specialty barrel-maker will set up shop in Pittsylvania County. 

Governor Glenn Youngkin announced Wednesday that will invest nearly 17 million dollars to build a new stave mill in the Brosville Industrial Park. It will be their fourth facility in Virginia. 

“We are thrilled that Speyside selected the Brosville Industrial Park to make a $16.85 million investment in its new stave mill,” said Pittsylvania County Board of Supervisors Chairman Darrell Dalton. “The County looks forward to a long and prosperous future with Speyside in terms of jobs and market opportunities for our forestland owners and loggers. With its history of age-old craftsmanship and commitment to state-of-the-art techniques, Speyside represents a distinctive addition to the County’s business and industrial community, and we are pleased to be part of its growth and continued success.” 

The new stave mill will create 40 new jobs and source 40 percent of its timber needs from Virginia forest landowners. The operation will supply the company’s bourbon barrel cooperage in Smyth County.  

“Speyside will offer diversity when it comes to the types of businesses located in the County, along with bringing new jobs and market opportunities for our landowners,” said Tunstall District Supervisor Vic Ingram. “This announcement bodes well for the future of Pittsylvania County as well as for its residents in terms of economic growth. I also want to give kudos to our economic development team, led by Matt Rowe, who assisted in making this announcement possible.”

Speyside Bourbon Cooperage was founded in Scotland in 1947. They operates stave mills and bourbon cooperages in Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Virginia. Their Virginia locations include stave mills in Bath and Washington Counties and a cooperage in Smyth County. 

“Virginia has been home to three of our sites for multiple years now and beyond that, an excellent partner for us and our business,” said Speyside Bourbon Cooperage, Inc. President and General Manager Darren Whitmer. “Having a fourth facility in Virginia and continuing to expand our operations in the Commonwealth means so much to us. We have grown in Virginia beyond our dreams and the partnership that we have with both State and Local Government has been nothing short of remarkable.”  

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services worked with the Pittsylvania County Industrial Development Authority and the Southern Virginia Regional Alliance to secure the project. 

“The manufacture of high-quality oak staves by Speyside Bourbon Cooperage leverages one of Pittsylvania County’s historic economic drivers – forestry and agriculture,” said Pittsylvania County Industrial Development Authority Chair Dr. Joey Faucette. “Also, the construction of this facility will complete the development of the Brosville Industrial Park, providing a clear indication that economic growth remains strong in this area,” 

Governor Youngkin approved a $250,000 grant from the Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development Fund, which Pittsylvania County will match with local funds.

“We’re proud to make Virginia the best home for business, and Speyside Bourbon Cooperage is an excellent example of how government can partner with companies to drive economic growth and success for the Commonwealth,” said Governor Youngkin. “The fact that Speyside Bourbon Cooperage is choosing Virginia for the fourth time shows that we have the business environment, economic opportunity, talented workforce and natural resources that are key to commercial success and serve as a testament to our top state for business ranking.”

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