Showcase Magazine

Danville to participate in forestry effort

    (Danville) — The City of Danville is partnering with a national group to get a little greener.  

    A new agreement will send support from the Green Infrastructure Center to expand Danville’s tree cover. Danville is one of the first cities picked to participate in the state Department of Forestry’s Community Forest Revitalization Program. There is no cost to the city. 

    GIC will conduct urban forest planning, management, and community tree planting. “Virginia’s urban and community forests are critical to both community health and resiliency. says GIC Director Karen Firehock. “One mature large canopy tree, such as an oak, can intercept thousands of gallons of runoff annually.” 

    “Studies have shown that businesses also benefit from the presence of mature trees, with higher spending recorded in well-treed commercial areas,” says Jessica Huang, the GIC’s Community Forest Planner. 

    The City has created a Tree Canopy Advisory Committee composed of city personnel and community organizations. The program will last two years, with a focus on underserved and disadvantaged neighborhoods.

    Founded in 2006, the Green Infrastructure Center is a nonprofit organization that assists communities in developing strategies for protecting and conserving their ecological and cultural assets, including both wild and urban forests, rivers, wetlands, lakes and bays, soils and parks and open spaces. The GIC conducts research, land-use planning and land assessment and mapping to provide the suite of tools needed by communities to protect and restore their green assets.

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