Showcase Magazine

County solicits bids for bridge repair

    (Ringgold) — Pittsylvania County has put out bids for rehab work on an iconic recreation spot.  

    The Ringgold Trail Pedestrian Bridge was damaged in 2018 when Tropical Storm Michael dumped seven inches of rain in 90 minutes. It also damaged about half of the length of the five-mile long trail.  

    Last week, the Board of Supervisors approved a local match to leverage an additional two million state and federal grant dollars to repair the bridge. 

    Sealed bids will be accepted through September 18. They’ll then be publicly opened and read aloud in the conference room, at the County Administrator’s office. 

    The contract includes site grading, demolition of a damaged bridge span and building a new bridge span. 

    Pittsylvania County will have to spend nearly 130-thousand more dollars to get two-point-three million additional grant dollars for this work. The state originally sent over three million dollars for repairs. The County’s share was 300-thousand.

    Last year the County awarded two contracts to restore other portions of the Ringgold Rail Trail.  Those repairs rebuilt 150 yards that was washed out on Kerns Church Road.  

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