Showcase Magazine

$2.7 grant for local child care efforts

    (Danville) — A local effort to help young families is getting a major shot in the arm.  

    The Danville-based Center for Early Success is getting more than $2.7 million in state funding to help families looking for child care. It’s part of a 37 million-dollar grant outlay from the Virginia Early Childhood Foundation, by way of the state Department of Education. 

    The Center for Early Success serves Danville and Lynchburg along with 14 other counties in the region. The grant targets their Mixed Delivery program.  That offers financial support to parents who need affordable childcare options.  

    Earlier this year, the Partnership for Regional Prosperity release study findings at a Childcare Solutions Summit at the Institute in Danville.  The report showed just over half of the city and county is considered a child care desert, meaning there’s inadequate access to quality child care. 

    It also showed the region has insufficient child care, especially for infants and toddlers. It would take over 800 slots to close the gap, with 58% of licensed and regulated child care sites reporting a waitlist. 

    The study also showed the average price of child care services in the region is up 30% over the past five years. 

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