Showcase Magazine

Local casino revenues fall slightly in July

(Danville) — Caesars is reporting a slight drop in activity for the second month in a row. 

The Virginia Lottery this weekend released their report on July casino activity. Caesars Virginia reports $18,804,969.56 in revenue during the month.  That’s down over 400-thousand dollars from June.  

Similar declines were reported at Virginia’s other casinos in Bristol and Portsmouth. 

Caesars reported a slight increase in activity at their 804 slot machines, but a significant drop at their 36 table games. Caesars has now taken in over 260 million dollars since they opened last year.  

July taxes on Caesars was nearly three-point-four million dollars. Over a million of that goes directly to the City of Danville. 

The city has now collected over 15 million dollars in gaming-tax revenue from the casino. The city also gets reimbursement as part of a citing agreement.

The $650 million permanent Caesars Virginia Casino & Resort is still on track to open later this year.

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