Showcase Magazine

Danville Fire Department keeps elite rating

(Danville) — The Danville Fire Department has maintained their elite status with insurance raters.  

Fire Chief David Coffey tells Danville City Council they have once again earned the coveted ISO-1 rating. “This rating takes place every five years, and its not just an inspection,” Coffey said.  “This is the culmination of five years of hard work from your firefighters that made this happen.”

Coffey says changes they’ve put in over the past five years, since the last rating, improved their score. “The last time that we did this in 2019 we received a score of 92.5. This time our score was 95.88,” said Coffey. “That may sound like a very small gain, but those are very hard-earned points.” 

And Coffee says the ISO-rating places the Danville Fire Department among the best of the best among the more than 27,000 fire departments across the United States. “Of those 27-thousand fire departments there are 334 that are rated ISO-1,” Coffey explained. “Of those, there are only 125 that are ISO-1 AND internationally accredited.”

And the rating means more than just a handsome plaque on the wall. Coffey says it means real savings for local residents and businesses. “This has a direct impact on the insurances rates that people pay here in Danville. The better your rating, the less expensive your insurance is,” Coffey said. “We hope that will be more attractive for the new businesses that are coming into town.”

While ISO deals with insurance ratings, the accreditation measures response times, staffing and equipment.

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