Showcase Magazine

Pitt. Co. explores water system expansion

(Chatham) — Pittsylvania County is working on a plan to add more households to their public water system.  

The County’s 2022 Water and Sewer Master Plan recommended waterline extension projects for areas with low pressure and the potential for future development along R&L Smith Road. That would run about three-and-a-half miles of 
10-inch waterline along R&L Smith. It will run from the County Public Work’s Office near Route 29 on R&L to the intersection of Route 41 and Robertson Lane near Twin Springs Elementary School. 

    This will interconnect the U.S. 29 Service Area to Mount Hermon, providing new service capability, improving water pressure, and giving redundancy and resiliency to the Mount Hermon Service Area. 

    County staff got a proposal recently from Dewberry Engineers to provide design and construction administration for the Project. There’s already 250-thousand dollars in the budget for engineering for this project. 

    Pittsylvania County already has 113 miles of water lanes in their public water system, which serves more 3,500 customers. The Board of Supervisors will vote on the proposal this week.

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