Showcase Magazine

Bids requested for Schoolfield revitalization

(Danville) — Local leaders are putting out bids for the first steps in the effort to revitalize an historic part of Danville. 

The Industrial Development Authority of Danville is looking for development proposals for properties in the Schoolfield area, in the vicinity of the new casino that opened earlier this week. 

One RFP covers a ten-acre parcel at the corner of West Main and Bishop Road. The IDA envisions a mixed-use development with ground floor uses to complement the casino while providing more housing options in the upper floors.

They’re also looking for ideas for two parcels on Community Way across Bishop Road from the casino. The IDA anticipates mixed-use development, a plaza and park spaces, with housing on the upper floors. 

They’re also soliciting bids for what they’re calling the Main Street Green site. That’s a median area between the casino and an existing strip mall. 

The last project being put out to bid is to redevelop the former Dan River Filtration Plant on Memorial Drive. This would link the River District with Ballou Park’s trails and the Riverwalk Trail. The IDA envisions a niche business like a microbrewery, restaurant or a B-and-B.

    A consultant last year shared their proposed Schoolfield Master Plan. Whiting Turner was hired in 2022 to take a comprehensive look at the Schoolfield area.  At the time, planners said the proposal, “reimagines the area surrounding the former mill as a dynamic Village that balances economic opportunity, social responsibility, and environmental needs.”

Developers had several overarching goals as they developed their blueprint. One is to, “Preserve and celebrate the history and legacy of Schoolfield and create welcoming gateways into the community,” the plan reads.

The Schoolfield Master Plan also calls for special signage and imagery that “brands” Schoolfield and sets it apart visually, much like has already been done in Danville’s River District.

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