Showcase Magazine

Rep. Good introduces bill to de-regulate suppressors

(Washington) — Our local congressman is sponsoring a bill that would prevent feds from regulating gun suppressors. 

Fifth District Congressman Bob Good has introduced the Silencers Help Us Save Hearing Act. It would deregulate suppressors, eliminate penalties for owning one, and allow current and retired law enforcement to carry concealed firearms with suppressors. It would also eliminate state bans on the devices.

“I oppose any form of regulation or tax on the people’s right to keep and bear arms. No constitutional right should be at risk due to public opinion, or subject to regulatory and tax burdens,” Good said. “These rights certainly extend to the procurement of safety accessories for firearms. My legislation would eliminate the overly complicated and antiquated process for acquiring suppressors and ensure that those purchases are no longer subject to federal regulation.” 

Suppressors are cylindrical devices attached to the barrel of gun to reduce the sound and muzzle flash when fired. They don’t silence gunshots, they reduce the sound to help prevent hearing damage in gun enthusiasts. 

The National Firearms Act requires owners get approval to purchase suppressors.  They have to register them with ATF and pay a $200 tax. 

(Bob Good fires a gun with a suppressor attached)
(Photo Courtesy Gun, Gear & Ammo)

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