(Danville) — Danville Public Schools has updated their plans to place new signs in front of all of their school buildings.
All thirteen locations are zoned Transitional Office Commercial. According to the code, ground signage in that district is restricted to 24 square feet of sign area, 32 square feet of architectural elements with a maximum height of ten feet. The school system originally wanted to allow signage of 143 total square feet and 11-feet-nine-inches in height.
They pulled the Special Use Permit applications after the Planning Office recommended denial. It was originally on the agenda for the November Planning Commission meeting.
The new proposal asks for a waiver to allow signs covering 95 square feet, and a height of nine-and-a-half feet.
The new signs will have a uniform design with an LED message board to give information to students, parents or guardians and the community. This could include school calendars, school events or celebrations of students and staff.
The Planning Commission will take up the item next week. Planners are recommending approval.