FREE CLASSES AVAILABLE Childbirth Education This class is taught by a certified childbirth educator who reviews the anatomy of pregnancy, the stages of labor, breathing techniques for each stage of labor, epidural anesthesia, and basic infant care. Classes are held on the first Saturday of each month from 9 am to 4... Read More
It’s common to feel unprepared if you are having your first baby. Taking a newborn care class during your pregnancy can help to prepare you for the real thing. During your hospital stay, don’t hesitate to ask the nurses for help with basic baby care. Before discharge, make sure you — and your partner —... Read More
At Danville Regional Medical Center (DRMC) new mothers, fathers and family members share one of the happiest experiences of their lives with a team of caring and compassionate professionals who believe in making the moment as fabulous as it should be. “Nothing takes the place of helping to bring a new life into the world,”... Read More
When to call the doctor When you are pregnant, do not hesitate to call your doctor or midwife if something is bothering or worrying you. Sometimes physical changes can be signs of a problem. Call your doctor or midwife as soon as you can if you: Are bleeding or leaking fluid from the vagina. Have... Read More
You learn what unconditional love really means. – Patricia Hooker-Moss You have to schedule spontaneity. –Michelle Trainor You finally know what it means to never take any moment for granted. – Tracy Jacobs You learn that a pet isn’t the same as a child. –Frannie Wrenn Children are the greatest teachers. –Brian Henderson You... Read More
Many people think of pregnancy as lasting for nine months. Basic math would indicate that nine months times 4 weeks in a month is 36 weeks. But, in reality, nine months is really 39 weeks. Research shows that when it comes to having a baby, those three weeks can make a huge difference in the... Read More
Preconception care can improve your chances of becoming pregnant, having a healthy pregnancy, and delivering a healthy baby. Here is a helpful checklist of the things you should discuss with your doctor if you are considering becoming pregnant: Family planning and choices for birth control. Taking 400 to 800 micrograms of folic acid every day... Read More
Do’s See your doctor regularly. Continue taking folic acid throughout your pregnancy. Eat a variety of healthy foods. When cooking, keep raw meats, poultry, and seafood from touching other foods or surfaces and cook raw meat thoroughly. Clean, handle, cook, and chill food properly to prevent foodborne illness. Wash produce before eating it. Wash cooking... Read More
Every parent wants to have a healthy baby. Planned pregnancy not only helps parents to be well-informed and well-prepared at every stage of pregnancy, it can also improve a woman’s ability to deliver a healthy baby. Preconception Preconception health means knowing how a woman’s health could affect her unborn child should she become pregnant. For... Read More