It is the season of Big Budget Movies. Actually, every season is the season of Big Budget Movies. Here are some of the requirements for a great Big Budget Movie: – Gratuitous CGI – Explosions – Big Name Actors – Pseudo sex but not enough to go over the PG13 rating – A relevant recognizable... Read More
Redneck Jokes are the last vestige of Freedom of Speech. They are the politically correct way to make fun of a group of people based on their culture. People’s skins have gotten so thin that everyone takes offense to everything. Except rednecks. Rednecks are in on the joke and don’t rightfully care what you say... Read More
Convenient Cleanliness. I’m specifically referring to the wet wipes for the toilet, although the ones for the kitchen, your eyeglasses, and baby bottoms are also in the same family of Reasons I Love America. I’m a stickler for personal hygiene. I have the nose of hound dog. The thought of visiting the emergency room wearing... Read More
Nothing in a kitchen is more convenient than the Garbage Disposal. Drop anything you don’t want in your house in it and it disposes of it like magic. Old rotten potatoes…gone. Mama’s special recipe Hamburger Helper…gone. It’s like having your own personal Criss Angel living in your house and making your trash disappear. Anyway, I... Read More
At some point a genius thought, wouldn’t it be cool if you merged a bicycle with a steamboat? Well, it was. And the result is a sweat-powered little boat with a confusing steering system. Turn it right, it goes left. Turn it left, it goes right – or maybe it’s the other way around. They... Read More