We all love a good snow day, right? Well, you probably love it more as a kid than you do as an adult, but I digress. When you have kids, though, a snow day can bring its own set of challenges and rewards. If it was supposed to be a school day and then they’re out, you are likely scrambling to figure out childcare so you can go to work. If you’re able to spend the day with them as the snow falls, however, you will likely rekindle that magic you felt as a kid and join in the fun.
But what do you do when a snow day has no snow?
Full disclosure: I’m not a meteorologist, nor will I ever pretend to be. They have far more knowledge on weather-related issues than I could ever hope to, so please take my following comments in jest.
So far this winter, we have been predicted to have multiple snow events in Danville and not a single one has come to fruition. As I write this, we’ve had some brief flurries. We’ve had some ice. We’ve even had a little sleet. But good old-fashioned, pure white snow? Not a bit.
Our latest round of this cycle of excitement and disappointment found me trying to find a solution. It was getting late in the afternoon. Our latest “snowstorm” in Danville was clearly going to be a dud. The kids were dejected. My eyes were glazed over from staring at my laptop, trying to get work done from home while the kids were out of school. What to do?
I had seen on the radar that it looked like our neighbors in the northern part of Pittsylvania County were getting some snow. At least enough to look at and play a little bit in. So I took action. I rounded up the kids, took the drive up highway 29, and we ended up just across the county line in Altavista. Granted, it wasn’t a ton of snow, and we spent more time in the car than we did playing in the snow, but for about 30 minutes or so, my kids had a blast. Laughing, playing, and enjoying being outside and with each other. That made it all worth it.
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. Or when life hands you no snow, find some.

February 9, 2024
Finding Snow
by Lee Vogler
We all love a good snow day, right? Well, you probably love it more as a kid than you do as an adult, but I digress. When you have kids, though, a snow day can bring its own set of challenges and rewards. If it was supposed to be a school day and then they’re... Read More