We are living in an era of increasing demands and diminishing resources for public schools. In cities where there is an unwillingness to invest in public schools, the likelihood of overcoming the challenges related to economic development, creating a viable work force, improving neighborhood quality of life, reducing crime, and improving health, are nearly impossible. ... Read More
In 2012-2013, all Danville Public Schools were Fully Accredited based on Virginia’s Accountability and Accreditation System. School accreditation ratings reflect student achievement on SOL tests and other approved assessments in English, history/social science, mathematics and science. Elementary and middle schools are Fully Accredited if students achieve all of the following pass rates: English — 75... Read More
Abercrombie Oil Company In September of 1956, Charles Abercrombie, better known in Danville as “Mr. Charlie” opened a Phillips 66 gasoline distributorship serving four local stations. He named his new company, Abercrombie Oil Company, Incorporated and set up his office in a gasoline station on Bridge Street across from the main fire station. The company... Read More
As I continue to contemplate the significance of Virginia’s Accountability and Accreditation System, I am compelled to consider the knowledge and skills a high school graduate should possess. My perspective is based on my own observations as a highly seasoned school leader. While I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to study extensively as... Read More
Are Danville students learning? Last time, I provided a brief historical overview of Virginia’s Accountability and Accreditation System in an effort to help our readers understand the “hubbub” around school accreditation. My goal ultimately, is to inform the public about what it all means. The Virginia Board of Education revised the Standard of Accreditation in... Read More