You’re sound asleep. A high pitch wakes you from slumber. You open your eyes, the blur matches the haze of convoluted thoughts. “Is it happening? Am I prepared for the zombie apocalypse?” As the pitch grows even louder you’re faced with the disconcerting answer. No, you are not prepared. The fog lifts from your thoughts.... Read More
“How long do I have to live?” It’s one of the hardest questions to consider for those with advanced, incurable diseases, such as terminal cancer. But it’s a question that deserves the most honest and accurate answer possible. The prognosis for each individual is different with factors such as age, genetic markers, functional ability, and... Read More
Cancer affects all of us in some way or another. The American Cancer Society projects 1,660,290 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed this year alone. Strength in Numbers In conjunction with the care and support of a medical staff, cancer support resources and groups offer relief, comfort, and answers to patients. Support groups provide a... Read More
The term fatigue is looped in with “tiredness” which everyone experiences. A good night’s sleep usually refreshes the body. But fatigue is a lack of energy not relieved by sleep. Fatigue can be hampering, preventing you from functioning normally. One of the most common side-effects of cancer and cancer treatment is fatigue. It’s unpredictable, and not associated... Read More
Sleep is one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle. But, at times, pain can make sleep nearly impossible. Insufficient sleep can have a chain reaction effect on your wellbeing. In many cases, pain and sleep spin in a vicious circle. Pain keeps you from sleeping, and in turn, not sleeping makes the... Read More
“Over the last 15 to 20 years, there has been tremendous growth of scientific research on cancer treatment,” Dr. Bill Gai, of Danville Hematology and Oncology, says. Advances in science have made treatment less stressful, but cancer can still make a patient feel powerless. Power can be found in places you might not have thought... Read More
A cancer diagnosis isn’t the end. It’s the beginning of a fight you can win. When cancer strikes you or someone in your family, remaining positive is a crucial aspect of treatment. The body and mind work together as a team. When faced with a fight-or-flight response, if your mind tells your body to fight, then... Read More
Champions For the Cure When asked to name a villain, most people will respond with infamous characters such as those associated with comics, movies, and television. Our minds are tied up all day with work, family, and daily chores, so it’s natural to divert to a fantasy world every now and then. But if you ask... Read More