Educating Can Be Key to Preventing and Diagnosing Breast Cancer Each year, nearly 200,000 women and 2,000 men in the United States are diagnosed with breast cancer, making it one of the most common types of cancer among women in our country. “While there is no way of guaranteeing that a person won’t develop breast... Read More
This is the story of the guy from Pittsylvania County with 100 NY Times Bestselling Books. It was the summer of 2006 and I was driving down a Caswell County road to meet the man who would turn out to be my hero. I was lost and late and sweating when I passed the state... Read More
If you ask the Average Joe (or Jane) about his plans for the summer, chances are losing weight is going to be toward the top of the list, as each year seemingly countless Americans resolve to shed the extra pounds they’re carrying. While losing weight to get back into a favorite pair of jeans or... Read More
Summer is here. As temperatures reach blistering levels, tensions percolate, and stress levels rise. Why is managing stress so important? For a number of reasons, according to Dr. Ema Kulwa of Healthcare for Women. “Stress can take its toll on our health in many ways. It can cause depression or anxiety, lead to heart disease, and... Read More
The Importance of Healthy Sleeping Habits “Many people do not realize the importance of healthy sleeping habits to their overall wellness,” says Dr. Lenworth Beaver of Healthcare for Women. “Most adults need at least seven to nine hours of sleep per night to maintain good health. In addition, there are several common sleeping disorders that,... Read More
With vacations and an overall sense of being on the go, blood donations drop during the summer months. In June 2012, the American Red Cross received 50,000 less donations than projected for the month. The drastically low numbers are particularly alarming during warmer months when natural disasters such as tornados are more prevalent. When blood... Read More