George Lucas is awesome. His mind is a galaxy just after being born, the cosmos lit by its brilliance. And that’s putting it mildly. Considering the probability of a limitless number of stars, galaxies, and universes, there is a probability that the fictional worlds George Lucas created actually flourishes/flourished somewhere in existence. Whether that’s true... Read More
Why is it so hard to become or stay healthy? We have the brains and all the necessary human equipment to achieve great health. So why is it so hard? Why are so many people dying from obesity, bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc.? I believe we are missing three important steps or... Read More
Predicting future price movements involves guessing at the role of weather conditions,government intervention, consumer and farmer attitudes, and all the other factors that influence the supply and demand for a product. Such a talent is rare. However, if you like action and have a few thousand dollars with which to play, then the commodities market may be... Read More
By: Paulette Dean, Executive Director, Danville Humane Society Virginia is such a beautiful state year-round, but it is prettiest to me in the spring and fall. I love the blossoms, the green trees, the bushes, and the flowers. Frankly, though, I used to enjoy spring more twenty years ago before I started working full-time for... Read More
He Said Someone once told me to marry above my raising. I was not sure what that meant then, but I am starting to see what it means now. It means marry someone prettier, richer, and smarter than me. I think with you I have done just that. I don’t think a day goes by... Read More
By: Kathy Cropp Gardeners to the ready! Another gardening season is upon us and we have a lot of to do out there! If you haven’t already been in the garden, I’m sure you will be soon. We have so many things to look forward to with this new season, but there is nothing more... Read More
When a doctor tells a woman she has breast cancer, her first thought may be “Why me?” But often her second thought is “I will beat this.” And for 2.6 million women who have defeated cancer and are living life to the fullest, they were right. Deaths from breast cancer have decreased every year since... Read More
Danville Regional Medical Center (DRMC) has seen its share of controversy. From the first moment it was sold, it was under a microscope, and wherever fault could be found, it was. Much of the community galvanized against it and public perception plummeted. But the tide has turned. Lifepoint Hospitals, a leading hospital company, made a... Read More